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CASIA-10K Dataset

Data Downloading

The CASIA-10K dataset can be downloaded from this link.

After downloading the file as above, unzip it, after which the directory structure should be like as follows (ignoring the archive file):

  |--- test
  |    |--- PAL00001.jpg
  |    |--- PAL00001.txt
  |    |--- PAL00005.jpg
  |    |--- PAL00005.txt
  |    |--- ...
  |--- train
  |    |--- PAL00003.jpg
  |    |--- PAL00003.txt
  |    |--- PAL00006.jpg
  |    |--- PAL00006.txt
  |    |--- ...
  |--- CASIA-10K_test.txt
  |--- CASIA-10K_train.txt

Data Preparation

For Detection Task

To prepare the data for text detection, you can run the following commands:

python tools/dataset_converters/ \
    --dataset_name casia10k --task det \
    --image_dir path/to/CASIA-10K/train/ \
    --label_dir path/to/CASIA-10K/train \
    --output_path path/to/CASIA-10K/det_gt.txt

The generated standard annotation file det_gt.txt will now be placed under the folder CASIA-10K/.

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