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Advanced Training

Tricks: Gradient Accumulation, Gradient Clipping, and EMA

All the training tricks can be configured in the model config files. After setting, please run tools/ script to initiate training.

Example Yaml Config

  gradient_accumulation_steps: 2
  clip_grad: True
  clip_norm: 5.0
  ema: True
  ema_decay: 0.9999

Gradient Accumulation

Gradient accumulation is an effective way to address memory limitation issue and allow training with large global batch size.

To enable it, set train.gradient_accumulation_steps to values larger than 1 in yaml config.

The equivalent global batch size would be global_batch_size = batch_size * num_devices * gradient_accumulation_steps

Gradient Clipping

Gradient clipping is a method to address gradient explosion/overflow problem and stabilize model convergence.

To enable it, set train.ema to True and optionally adjust the norm value in train.clip_norm.


Exponential Moving Average (EMA) can be viewed as a model ensemble method that smooths the model weights. It can help stabilize model convergence in training and usually leads to better model performance.

To enable it, set train.ema to True. You may also adjust train.ema_decay to control the decay rate.

Resume Training

Resuming training is useful when the training was interrupted unexpectedly.

To resume training, set model.resume to True in the yaml config as follows:

  resume: True

By default, it will resume from the "train_resume.ckpt" checkpoint file located in the directory specified in train.ckpt_save_dir.

If you want to use another checkpoint to resume from, specify the checkpoint path in resume as follows:

  resume: /some/path/to/train_resume.ckpt

Training on OpenI Cloud Platform

Please refer to the MindOCR OpenI Training Guideline