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ICPR MTWI-2018 Dataset

Data Downloading

The ICPR MTWI-2018 dataset Official Website | Download Link

Note: Please register an account to download this dataset.

The ICPR MTWI dataset has derived three tasks: Text Line(column) Recognition of Web Images, Text Detection of Web Images, and End to End Text Detection and Recognition of Web Images. The three tasks share the same training data:; For test data, task1 has test data:, and task⅔ share the same test data: For now, we will consider and download only the training data

After downloading the dataset, unzip the file, after which the directory structure should be like as follows (ignoring the archive files):

  |--- image_train
  |    |--- <image_name>.jpg
  |    |--- <image_name>.jpg
  |    |--- ...
  |--- txt_train
  |    |--- <image_name>.txt
  |    |--- <image_name>.txt
  |    |--- ...

Data Preparation

For Detection Task

To prepare the data for text detection, you can run the following commands:

python tools/dataset_converters/ \
    --dataset_name mtwi2018 --task det \
    --image_dir path/to/MTWI-2018/image_train/ \
    --label_dir path/to/MTWI-2018/txt_train.json \
    --output_path path/to/MTWI-2018/det_gt.txt

The generated standard annotation file det_gt.txt will now be placed under the folder MTWI-2018/.

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